And now… “Kevin and Matt’s End All, Be All, Best of Everything India 2011.”

Best Restaurant as a Whole Including Atmosphere
Ambrai in Udaipur overlooking the palace and lake at sunset.

Best Meal

Paneer masala at an unidentifiable rooftop restaurant in Udaipur and omelets from the street
cart Omelet Man with Pranav in Baroda.

Best Beer

Kingfisher by default.

Best Whiskey

Signature, also probably by default.

Best Hotel

Lal Ghat Guesthouse, Udaipur.

Best Experience

Kite festival in Baroda followed by a close second riding motorcycles through the Thar Desert in Jaisalmer.

Most Shocking Experience

People pooing on the street pretty much everywhere.

Dirtiest Place
Rest stop, AKA dirtiest place in the world, on the road between Ranakpur Jain Temple and Jodhpur.

Best View
Kumbalgar Palace. Also the air tram mountain in Udaipur and Chowpatty beach in Bombay.

Hottest Chick
Laura from England.

Coolest Dude

Hemant in Jaisalmer.

Coolest Chick

Linda from SF, although you're beautiful too.

Best Must See

The Taj.

Most Uncomfortable Experience

Can’t tell you.

Best Souvenir

My destroyed shoes.

Best Sunset

Sunrise over the mosques in the blue city Jodhpur.

Best Speakers
Mini speaks.

Best Guide Book

Rough Guides.

Best Novel to Read While Traveling India
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie.

Delhi or Bombay?

Longest Train Trip
Jaisalmer to Agra, 24 hours.

Worst Hostel
Agra but I won’t hate by saying the name.

Best Rip-Off
One hour freezing tuk tuk ride in a big circle to nowhere for 500 rupees.

Best Deal
India as a continent.

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