January 22 – 5:45PM – Shahi Palace, Jaisalmer.

A day of epic proportions to rival all days and I think I have found true happiness. It is sitting on a motorcycle doing 55 through the desert, wind in your hair and a big smile on your face that not even a bug in your teeth can fade. Kevin and I rented motorcycles again but this time went on a longer mission and drove west out of town for an hour and a half to some sand dunes, miles and miles of sand dunes. The dunes themselves were alright and not extremely stand outtish in the grand scheme of the trip but riding the motorcycle itself was a joyous experience. We rode through the dunes, drove by about 50 guys trying to sell us camel rides which we passed on because the thought of sitting on a slow moving animal when we had motorcycles just wasn’t that appealing. We just rode and when we asked someone they told us we were about 30KM from the Pakistani border.

We were in the middle of nowhere, nothing around but the road in front of us, weaving through goat herds in our path, farmers waving at us with huge smiles on their faces, amused to see two white dudes with the balls to drive on their crazy roads and miles and miles of sand in every direction. I can say that it definitely wasn’t the safest way to spend the day but worth it over and over. Thank (G/g)od(s) we survived.

Quick side note that I should have brought up earlier: there were a bunch of small tent stalls in the desert along with the camel salesmen and Kevin bought a water from one of them. And while we always try to make sure that the water that we buy is sealed, the one Kevin bought was somehow rigged and after he took a good long chug he noticed definite white floaties in it. He made himself puke (number 3) because he was sketched out. I have pictures.

We are planning on taking the motorcycles back to Hemant a little later tonight and most likely doing the whiskey thing again, this time on us.

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