January 13 – 2:37AM India Standard Time – Delhi Airport.

We are not where we are supposed to be. I really don’t want to fill too many pages with boring travel logistics, but they are filling a lot of the pages of our life, so I guess I’ll have to. Kevin and I left the house at 7:15AM in San Francisco and 24 hours have elapsed since. Because of delays we were rerouted to Delhi to get a connecting flight to Mumbai here instead of Brussels. Well, because of more delays we missed our Delhi connecting flight also and the American Airlines counters in the Delhi Airport don’t open until 7:00AM or so. There is no one to talk about how to get to Bombay from here to so it looks like we’ll be sleeping on “comfy” airport benches. I think we can still make the upcoming days of our itinerary work, we’ll just be sleeping in the airport instead of in a hotel in Bombay. Hopefully we can still catch our 11:35AM train to Baroda and the kite festival. I was pissed for awhile about all this mess, but then I remembered, hey, I’m traveling, be happy. I am.

So, if all goes right, we’ll be in Baroda in the next several hours. Before leaving the US, Kevin asked his co-worker, Pankit, to suggest a must see. Pankit had lived in India until graduating college, and he said that growing up his favorite thing was the kite festival. Six months later we are here and a day away from being at the kite fest. We just have to be epic travelers to make it. Luckily we are.

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